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(C)1991-98 By Tony Diaz

The Apple ][ Information Resource @ http://www.apple2.orgRAM Cards & Chips

RAM Card Types

Apple //e Ram Cards

These Cards are for the //e ONLY. All Cards mentioned under this headerare installed in the Apple //e Auxiliary Slot.

The following is a description of the types of cards and what the limitations are.

Cards that use 4164 chips are:

IMAGE imgs/A2Reference12.gif

Apple Extended 80 Column Card Maxview 80e

Cards that use 41256 chips are:

IMAGE imgs/A2Reference13.gif

Apple Computer. MicroMax

IMAGE imgs/A2Reference14.gif

64K/ 1/16 Meg. 128K/ 1/8 Meg. 64K/ 1/16 Meg.

IMAGE imgs/A2Reference12.gif

Apple Extended 80 Column Card Super Expander E
Q RAM //e

IMAGE imgs/A2Reference13.gif

Apple Computer. Price Busters
CheckMate Tech. Applied Engineering Quality Computers

IMAGE imgs/A2Reference14.gif

128K/ 1/8 Meg. 1024K / 1 Meg. 1024K / 1 Meg. 3072K / 3 Meg. 1024k /1 Meg.

Cards that use 41000 (1 Meg.) Chips are: (120 ns. Or faster)

IMAGE imgs/A2Reference12.gif

Meg 80Z

IMAGE imgs/A2Reference13.gif

Sequential Systems

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1024K / 1 Meg

Cards that use 256K, 1 or 4 Meg. SIMMs are:(120 ns or faster) SIMMs for Apple products are 'x 8' but can be 'x 9'.

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Sirius Sweet 16

IMAGE imgs/A2Reference13.gif


IMAGE imgs/A2Reference14.gif

1-4 or 16M

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(C)1991-98 By Tony Diaz