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(C)1991-98 By Tony Diaz

The Apple ][ Information Resource @ http://www.apple2.orgRAM Cards & Chips

Apple ][+ & //e Ram Cards

These Cards are mainly for the ][+ but will also work in a //e. Some even have special uses in the //e. All Cards mentioned under this header are installed in Slots 1-7. The EXCEPTION is the Language card type cards. (16K)

The following is a description of the types of cards and what the limitations are.

Cards that use 4116 chips are:

(These cards are ONLY for the Apple ][+!!) (These are installed in SLOT ZERO)

IMAGE imgs/A2Reference12.gif

Apple Language System SoftCard
16K Card
Various Pieces of Junk Apple Language System 'II' Pocket Rocket

Cards that use 4164 chips are:

IMAGE imgs/A2Reference13.gif

Apple Computer. Microsoft
Computer Stop
Taiwan R.O.C.
Engineering Dept. Applied Engineering

IMAGE imgs/A2Reference14.gif

16K. (SRAM) 16K. (SRAM)

(Slot 1-7 Cards)

IMAGE imgs/A2Reference12.gif

Apple ][ Memory Expansion Card* SMT Memory Expansion*

Cards that use 41256 chips are:

IMAGE imgs/A2Reference13.gif

Apple Computer. SMT Peripherals Ltd.

IMAGE imgs/A2Reference14.gif

1024K / 1 Meg. 1024K / 1 Meg.

IMAGE imgs/A2Reference12.gif

The Apple II Memory Expansion* SMT Memory Expansion* Super Expander +

Cards that use 41000 chips are:

IMAGE imgs/A2Reference13.gif

Apple Computer. SMT Peripherals Ltd. Price Busters
CheckMate Tech. Applied Engineering AST Research, Inc.

IMAGE imgs/A2Reference14.gif

1024K / 1 Meg. 1024K / 1 Meg. 1024K / 1 Meg. 1024K / 1 Meg. 3072K / 3 Meg. 1024K / 1 Meg.

IMAGE imgs/A2Reference12.gif IMAGE imgs/A2Reference13.gif IMAGE imgs/A2Reference14.gif

RAMFactor 4 MB ExpansionApplied Engineering4096K / 4 Meg For a total of up to 5 MB. The RAMFactor must be filled before adding this card.

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(C)1991-98 By Tony Diaz