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(C)1991-98 By Tony Diaz

The Apple ][ Information Resource @

Apple II CPU Specifications &

Technical Descriptions

Apple ][ / ][+

Processor Type:
Built in memory: Expandable Memory: Expansion Possibilities:


Typical Configuration:

Accelerator Options:

IMAGE imgs/A2Reference84.gif

Titan Accelerator //e TransWarp
TransWarp II
Zip Chip II

6502 (1 Mhz)
16K Language Card in slot 0
8 Slots, with 0 being for memory leaving seven for the users needs. Cassette interface, 16 pin game I/O. 8 Colors, 40 Column Uppercase text only.

64K Memory, 2 Disk ][ 5.25" drives. Green Monitor.

IMAGE imgs/A2Reference07.gif

Titan Technologies Applied Engineering Applied Engineering Bits & Pieces
Zip Technology

IMAGE imgs/A2Reference89.gif

2.8 Mhz
3.6 Mhz
3.6 Mhz
8 Mhz
5 & 10 Mhz
4 & 8 Mhz

Some chip based accelerators may have problems with some older ][+ motherboards, the fix for this is a new motherboard, Rev 7 and up.

The difference between the ][ and the ][+ is mainly that Applesoft BASIC and the Autostart ROM as well as the standard memory configuration was now 48K.

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(C)1991-98 By Tony Diaz