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(C)1991-98 By Tony Diaz

The Apple ][ Information Resource @ http://www.apple2.orgPeripheral Cards

Apple Super Serial Card

Most Commonly Used

Any Slotted Apple II, Laser 128, Franklin 1000. Apple II+ or IIe for an ImageWriter I or II.
Also can be used in a IIgs if more serial ports are needed.

This card is the MOST widely used RS 232 interface for the Apple II. It is made by Apple Computer. It has a DB25 connector on it and can be used for printers, (such as the ImageWriter) modems, (such as the Hayes Smartmodem 2400), plotters or any other device which requires a standard RS 232 or RS 232 C interface to be utilized.

It can be used in the users own programs, it is accessible from DOS 3.3, ProDOS, CP/M or Pascal. It is supported by 99% of all software packages. It is compatible with the original Apple Serial Interface.

Common Dip Switch Settings for the SSC:

ImageWriter I or II, Color Plotter

(Jumper Block Pointing to 'TERMINAL')

Hayes SmartModem 2400

(Jumper Block Pointing to 'MODEM')

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(C)1991-98 By Tony Diaz