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(C)1991-98 By Tony Diaz

The Apple ][ Information Resource @ http://www.apple2.orgPeripheral Cards

][+ 80 Column Text Card

Most Commonly Used: Slot used in:

][, ][+, Franklin Ace 1000 ][+
Slot 03 ][+

The ][+ 80 Column Text card is used to provide a text display 80 characters by 24 lines on the Apple II+. There are many different brands of this card, the most common being the Videx VideoTERM. One of the most common uses for this card is for a bigger screen for word processing. In the event that someone asks about a card for AppleWriter II, there is ONLY ONE CARD supported by the II+ version of AppleWriter, it is called the Sup R' Terminal. This card is very uncommon today, and not many exist. In the case where 80 columns is needed for AppleWriter, getting AppleWorks and a memory card to run it can be suggested.

There is one exception to the 80 x 24, that is the Videx UltraTerm, which has the ability to display 160 chars by 24 lines.

Todays most common use for these cards today is when a user wishes to run AppleWorks on the II+,they need some type of text display card. Although a memory card of some type is probably needed, the 80 Column card is REQUIRED.
Using AppleWorks with a ][+ requires a software package called 'Plus Works' as well as other minor hardware modifications.

Slot 3 type 80 Col. cards can also be used in any other slot to display additional text on a separate monitor,like a BBS displaying the users stats on a separate screen.

IMAGE imgs/A2Reference02.gif

ViewMax 80
Wizard 80
80 Column Expander View Master 80
Supr'R Terminal

IMAGE imgs/A2Reference03.gif

Videx(Up to 123 x 49 Characters) ALS
Wesper MicroSystems
Price Busters. (Videx Clone)
Applied Engineering
(Across the street from Apple Computer) (The _only_ card officially supported by
AppleWriter II)

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(C)1991-98 By Tony Diaz