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(C)1991-98 By Tony Diaz

The Apple ][ Information Resource @

Apple II CPU Specifications & Technical Descriptions

Apple //c+

Processor Type:
Built in memory: Expandable Memory: Expansion Possibilities:


65C02 (1 or 4 Mhz)
16 MB with add-on card internally
5 built in ports. 2 Serial, Printer & Modem. Disk Drive, 9 Pin Joystick/Mouse & Video Expansion. Memory Slot. 8 Colors, 40 Column Upper/Lowercase Display Optional 80 Column & 16 Color 590x192 graphics. RGB Video with 4 additional modes available. Built in ability to drive an LCD screen.
128K Memory, 2 Disk ][ 5.25" drives. Green Monitor.

Typical Configuration:

Accelerator Options:

IMAGE imgs/A2Reference84.gif


IMAGE imgs/A2Reference07.gif IMAGE imgs/A2Reference89.gif

Due to the design of the //c+ and the integration of the Zip Chip circuitry within the motherboard, the only applicable speed upgrade would have to come from Zip Technology itself, who at this time has decided there is not enough of a market to support such a product.

Additional Note:

Those who may be experiencing trouble with their //c+ and speed can use the ZipChip utilities disk and set the speed of the //c+. It seems some of the //c+ units shipped from Apple have their speed set to 1 Mhz when turned on. The ZipChip disk will fix this.

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(C)1991-98 By Tony Diaz