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(C)1991-98 By Tony Diaz

The Apple ][ Information Resource @

Apple II CPU Specifications & Technical Descriptions

Apple IIgs

Processor Type:
Built in memory: Expandable Memory: Expansion Possibilities:

65C816 (1 or 2.8 Mhz)
256K (ROM 01) & 1024K (ROM 03)
16 MB Directly Accessible, 8 Meg RAM, 8 Meg ROM. 6 built in ports. 2 Serial, Disk Drive, Video, Joystick, ADB. Video Connector. Memory Slot.
9 & 16 Pin game I/O, 8 Pin Ensoniq interface. 8 Colors, 40/80 Column Upper/Lowercase Display 16 Color 590x192 graphics. 16 Color 320x200, 256 Color 320x200, 4 Color 640x200
//e RGB Video with 4 additional modes available.

1024K Memory, 1 3.5" & 1 5.25" drive. RGB Monitor.


Typical Configuration:

Accelerator Options:

IMAGE imgs/A2Reference84.gif

TransWarp GS
ZipGSX (Expandable)

IMAGE imgs/A2Reference07.gif

Applied Engineering Zip Technology

IMAGE imgs/A2Reference89.gif

6 Mhz(Never Produced) 6.25 , 7 & 8 MHz, as produced 7, 8 or 9 MHz. 8,16,32,64K Cache

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(C)1991-98 By Tony Diaz