1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

is a bad idea.

PLOT x,y Sets the specified point on the Lores graphics screen
(x=0..39, y=0..47) to the currently set COLOR. If the lores screen is
not on, you will affect the text screen.

POKE memaddr, byte
Stores byte (0..255) into the specified memory address. Don't POKE
randomly; you can cause bad things to happen. A canonical, verified,
trustable table of PEEKs, POKEs and the like has been planned by
Nathan Mates, but is not available yet.

Disposes of the last RETURN address, effectively changing the most
recent GOSUB to a GOTO.

Ignores expr, returns the horizontal position of the cursor, from 0 to
39. In 80-column mode, this always returns 0.

Sends characters to the current output device. PRINT will print string
constants ('PRINT "HELLO"'), numeric constants and expressions ('PRINT
2+2'), strings ('PRINT NAME$'), reals ('PRINT FOO'), or integers
('PRINT SP%'). It can also print several of these at once if
semicolons (';') or commas are between the sections: 'PRINT "The
Answer:"; 2+2'. Semicolons are not really needed before the start of a
string constant or after them-- 'PRINT D$"CLOSE"' is perfectly legal.

If a semicolon is present at the end of a PRINT statement, the
'default' of a concluding carriage return is surpressed. 'PRINT's are
not really buffered-- they appear as soon as ready, even if the
trailing carriage return is surpressed. If a PRINT exists by itself,
it will print a 'carriage return' and go to the left edge of the next
screen row, scrolling if necessary. A comma present separating items
jumps to the next 'tab' stop, which are located 16 columns apart at
columns 1, 17, 33, etc. The second tab stop exists only if column 16
for that line is empty (i.e. filled with spaces), and the third only
if columns 24-32 are empty.

For floating-point values, scientific notation is used for values with
absolute value less than 0.01 or if there are more than 9 digits in
front of the decimal point.

'PRINT's of numeric values are always left-justified, and the output
will take up however much space is needed to represent it. Strings
similarly take up as much room as necessary and no wordwrapping is
done. No print formatting for other forms is built in; you'll have to
write your own if this is needed.

'PRINT' can be abbreviated as '?' when entering programs.

PR# slotnum
Sends output to the specified slot, 0..7. Slot 0 is not a real slot
for output, so it defaults to the 40-column text screen. However, when
running under DOS 3.3 or ProDOS, you should use the DOS command
version of this, namely 'PRINT CHR$(4)"PR#"slot'

READ var1[,var2...]
Reads the next available item(s) from a DATA statement into the
specified variables. It is sequential access only, travelling through
the list from the first items in the first DATA to the last. See also

RECALL varname