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Attempts to load an array off the cassette port, if available. Mostly
outdated now; the //c, IIc+ and IIGS don't have a cassette port, so
this command does nothing.

REM [comment]
Marks the start of a comment. Any and all text following it to the end
of the line is treated as a comment, and will not be executed.

Moves the DATA pointer back to the first DATA statement, so that
following READs will get data from there.

Attempts program recovery at the point where an error occurred, but
was caught with an ONERR GOTO. Do not use if no error has occurred.

Moves program flow back to just after the most recently executed
GOSUB. See also POP.

Returns the 'num' rightmost characters in the input string. If num is
greater than the length of the input string, the entire string is

Returns a pseudo-random number based on the value of expr. If expr=0,
the last-returned random number is returned, If expr>0, then the
result is in the range 0<=RND(expr)<1. If expr<0, the random number
generator is seeded based on expr; subsequent calls with expr>0 will
return the same sequence.

ROT= expr
Sets the rotation value for hires shapes. Rot 0 is normal, 16 is 90
degrees clockwise, 32 upside down, and 64 is normal again. For
SCALE=1, the only available rotation values are 0, 16, 32 and 48;
SCALE=2 yields 8 positions, etc.

RUN [linenum]
Clears all variables, and starts execution from linenum, if specified,
otherwise from the lowest numbered line.

Attempts to save a program to the cassette port, if available. Mostly
outdated now; the //c, IIc+ and IIGS don't have a cassette port, so
this command does nothing.

SCALE= expr Sets the scaling value for hires shapes. 1 is normal size,
2 is twice normal size, and the like, up to a maximum of 255.

Returns the color (0..15) of lores graphics screen pixel x,y. In text
mode, returns part of the ascii value for the character at x,y/2.

There is no corresponding Applesoft function for the Hires screen.

Returns -1, 0, or 1, depending on whether the input number was
negative, zero, or positive, respectively.

Attempts to load a Hires shape table off the cassette port, if
available, and sets the shape table pointers. Mostly outdated now; the
//c, IIc+ and IIGS don't have a cassette port, so this command does