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ProDOS allows far more types, allowing 256 'major' types, with each
major type capable of having up to 65536 subtypes. Unlike MS-DOS, the
filetype is not part of the actual filename, nor can two different
files with the same name but different types exist. In a BASIC.SYSTEM
and similar directory listing, the major type is listed as either a
2-digit hexadecimal value preceede by a $, or for certain other common
types, a 3-letter acronym is used. The most common types that are
encountered are:
'SYS': System files, such as ProDOS and certain applications
'DIR': Directory
'BIN': Binary file
'BAS': Applesoft BASIC file
'TXT': Text file

Filetypes are not considered part of the filename, so there can only
be one file with a given name, regardless of the type. A sample ProDOS
directory listing is shown below:


This is the 80-column version generated by CATALOG; the 40-column
version by CAT omits the right 40 columns from the listing. Again, we
have the first column being either blank or a '*' for locked files,
the filename ('STARTUP' here), then the filetype (BAS), number of
512-byte blocks used, creation and modification dates and time, and
finally the filelength of 5645 bytes.

4.3 Extended command line parameters for DOS 3.x commands

Certain commands under DOS 3.3 require a you to specify the address
and/or length; this is noted with an ',Aadr' or ',Llen' after the
filename. The address and length can be either decimal or hexadecimal
(proceeded by a '$'), and must range from 0 to 65535 (0..$FFFF hex).
See the extended syntax below for which files require which

'Random access' text files may have the record specified when
accessing them by ',Rn', or the byte within a field specified by
',Bn'. For more information on accessing text files from within Basic,
please see the Applesoft Basic FAQ at

Pretty much all DOS 3.x commands that deal with files can have any of
3 extra parameters specified in any order with commas after the
filename: [,Dn] [,Sn] or [,Vn]. ',Dn' sets the drive number for this
and subsequent DOS commands; DOS 3.x only supports 2 drives per slot.
',Sn' sets the slot number for this and subsequent DOS commands.
Specifying a slot/drive combination that does not exist will return an
error. Both the slot and drive number 'stick' until changed, even if
the disk is physically swapped for another.

The third parameter, ',Vn' sets the "volume number" for DOS 3.3 to
'expect' on a disk when accessed. This volume number is specified when
formatted with INIT, defaulting to 254 if not specified. ',V0' will
match any disk volume number, which is the default.

4.4 Extended command line parameters for ProDOS commands

While ProDOS lost the ',Vn' parameter, the ',Sn' and ',Dn' can be
specified for all commands accessing files. In addition, a number of
commands (APPEND, BLOAD, BSAVE, CREATE, OPEN) can take a ',Ttype'
parameter, specifying the type of file to match against instead of the
default of TXT, BIN, BIN, DIR, and TXT respectively.