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LOAD filename
Loads a Basic program from disk. Under DOS 3.x, if you load a program
with the 'wrong' Basic from what is currently loaded, the Basic is
switched, if available.

Note that Basic on machines with cassette ports (][, ][+, //e) has a
'LOAD' command of its own, where it tries to load from the cassette
port. If a filename is specified, then DOS handles it, otherwise it
passes it to Basic.

LOCK filename
Sets a flag on the file so that it cannot be accidentally overwritten
or deleted. Does not protect from disk initialization, and is easy to
undo with an UNLOCK

[DOS 3.x only] Allocates memory space for the specified number of
files to be open at once. The default is 3. BASIC.SYSTEM moves memory
around as needed, so this command does not exist under ProDOS.

MON [,C][,I][,O]
[DOS 3.x only] Provides a running trace of DOS 3.x commands for
'Commands', 'Input' and 'Output'.

[ProDOS only, and also only available with BASIC.SYSTEM v1.4 or
higher, I believe]. Goes to the builtin monitor ('*' prompt), just
like typing 'CALL-151'.

NOMON [,C][,I][,O]
Cancels any pending traces of things by MON. ProDOS accepts by ignores
this command, as there is no builtin MON.

OPEN filename[,Llen]
[Basic programs only, not from command line.] Opens a text file from
within a program. It can be read from or written to with the
appropriate subsequent commands. The optional length parameter is used
to specify that a text file is to be opened in 'random access' mode.
For more information on accessing text files from within Basic, please
see the Applesoft Basic FAQ at

POSITION filename[,Rn]
[Basic programs only, not from command line.] Moves the disk file
pointer for the specified file the specified number of fields forward
from its current position. If the file is not open, it is OPENed
first. If the ',Rn' parameter is omitted, the file pointer is not
changed. For more information on accessing text files from within
Basic, please see the Applesoft Basic FAQ at

ProDOS extended syntax: the ',Fn' parameter may be used to the same

Sends subsequent output to the specified slot, or the 40-column screen
if '0' is given for the slotnum. If output is sent to a slot
containing a disk controller, the system attempts to boot from drive 1
of that slot. Like all OS commands, within an Applesoft Basic program,
this command should be preceeded by the control-D character.